

Get matched with a doula in the USA who feels like family

Our handpicked doula USA directory is where warmth meets expertise, offering you a selection of doulas who are not only seasoned in supporting births but also skilled in fostering a connection with the warmth and familiarity you crave.

Vetted for Quality

5-Star Reviews

Zero Commission

Background Checks

Certified Doulas

First Aid & CPR

Birth with confidence

The journey to motherhood is like no other, and it’s perfectly normal to feel like you’re navigating uncharted waters. The excitement of meeting your little one is mixed with the uncertainty of doing it for the first time. You’ve ticked all the boxes, but you’re still questioning, “Am I ready for this?”

The worry of whether you’ll have the right kind of support when you need it most can be a cloud on this sunny horizon.  Plus, the thought of sharing such a personal moment with someone you’ve just met might leave you feeling vulnerable.

Having someone who’s not just a guide but a steadying hand – someone who’s seen it all before and can calmly steer you through the waves of childbirth makes a world of difference.

Our doulas in the USA aren’t just professionals; they’re mothers and nurturers who get it. They’ve been there, lending their strength in the birthing room time and again. They join your journey not as strangers, but as partners, ready to offer the support you deserve.

bright-and-colorful-lifeguard-hut-in-the-us-DOULA USA

Pregnancy Doula

A sister to be by your side to help you get through nausea, the never-ending bed rest and the emotional roller coaster.

Birth Doula

When the time comes, they’ll be by your side from the first contraction until you’re holding your little one in your arms.

Postpartum Doula

Through smiles and tears, from sore nipples, stinky nappies, and milk disasters, they’ll be right there with you.

Hear from other mums who found their perfect doula

Sophie Green
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So glad I found Jenny, she's incredible! Made everything feel less scary, she just knew what I needed, when I needed it.
Megan Lloyd
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I was really stressing to find a good doula, then I found Sarah. She was like a breath of fresh air, knew her stuff, made the birth experience what it was meant to be.
Rachel Stevens
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Looking for the right person to be there was tough. Met Lisa through a friend and wow, what a difference.
Lucy O'Neill
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Never thought I'd find someone who'd get me like Maria did. From our first chat, she was a friend. Helped so much with my anxiety about the birth.
Fiona Bryant
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I was after someone professional but warm, then I met Emma. She was all that and more. My pregnancy and birthing wouldn’t have been the same without her.
Natalie Ford
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Met my doula Kate and honestly, she’s been my rock. Not the best at all this birth stuff but she was patient and so reassuring. Felt like I had a friend with me the whole way.

Meet your #1 trusted doulas in the USA

Every USA doula on our directory is thoroughly vetted with background checks and in-depth interviews. It’s all handled by our dedicated team, ensuring you connect with professionals who are not just skilled but also deeply trusted. We take the guesswork out so you can focus on your journey to motherhood.

Sienna Griffiths
Chloe Patterson
Danielle Price

Why trust Blissful Births to find a doula in the USA?

Save Over 20+ Hours on Your Search

Wave goodbye to the long, uncertain search for a doula. We connect you with your perfect doula match in minutes, not days, saving you over 20 hours of searching and vetting.

Find Vetted Doulas with Trusted Support

Each doula on Blissful Births is thoroughly vetted, ensuring you have access to trustworthy, highly recommended professionals. It's not just about finding a doula; it's about finding someone who aligns with your birth vision.

Have Police Checks and Interviews Done For You

Safety comes first. That's why every doula in our network has passed a police check and a detailed personal interview. We make sure that the person you invite into your birthing journey is fully vetted, giving you peace of mind.

Direct Payments, No Hidden Fees

We take no commissions — the payments are strictly between you and your chosen doula. This clarity ensures that the focus remains on your care, without financial surprises.

The panic was real till I met Zoe. She wasn’t just about the birth; she helped with everything. Felt like she became part of the family.

Diana Moss

Trust us to find the right one for you

Every mum’s journey to motherhood is as individual. That’s why we’ve shaped the process of finding your ideal doula to be as familiar and easy as a catch-up with a good friend. Just let us know what you’re looking for through our simple form, and we’ll match you with a doula who just ‘gets’ you. Skip the hassle of endless scheduling. We connect you with a doula who’s ready to be part of your unique journey, together with you and your family.




Hidden Fees

<24 Hour

Avg. Response

Frequently asked Doula questions​

Let’s answer your burning questions about community-based doulas in the USA

Understanding the value of a doula comes down to appreciating the layers of support they provide. Beyond the practical aspects of childbirth, a doula offers continuous emotional and informational support tailored to your needs. They’re your advocate, coach, and guide.

Investing in a doula isn’t just about the day of labour; it’s about the peace of mind and confidence you gain throughout your entire pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. Think of it not as a cost, but as an investment in your wellbeing and your baby’s start in life.

Absolutely. Numerous studies, including those recognized by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, highlight doulas’ positive impact on birth outcomes.

They can help reduce the need for interventions, provide comfort measures, and are there to ensure your birth plan is respected. A doula’s presence is associated with a more satisfying birth experience, not just for you, but for your partner as well.

Doulas are trained to support your choices. They bring non-medical, unbiased support to the table.

Whether your choices are traditional or alternative, a doula’s role is to respect and advocate for your birthing plan. They’re there to provide information and support, not to judge or sway your decisions.

A doula’s goal is to complement the support system you already have in place. They work alongside your partner and family to create a cohesive birth team.

With a doula, your partner can also feel more at ease, knowing there’s an experienced guide in the room. It’s about enhancing the experience for everyone involved.

Privacy and comfort are paramount, and doulas are very sensitive to this. They’re trained to be as unobtrusive as possible and to maintain your dignity and confidentiality. The right doula will make you feel more secure, not less.

A meet-and-greet before you make any decisions can help ensure you find someone you’re comfortable with.

Doulas complement the medical care you receive. They are well-versed in childbirth education and stay updated on research from institutions like DONA International and the International Childbirth Education Association.

While they may use some alternative methods for comfort and support, these are evidence-based and used in combination with medical best practices.

Finding the right doula is like finding the right midwife or doctor. It’s about connection and trust. Look for someone with a certification from a reputable organization like DONA International, as they’re trained to handle various situations and personalities.

Use initial consultations to gauge their understanding and empathy towards your specific needs and fears.

When you’re looking to hire a doula, it’s key to discuss their on-call policy.

Many doulas provide on-call support weeks before your due date and have a backup doula in case of emergencies. This should be outlined in your agreement, giving you reassurance that support will be there when you need it.

Doulas are emotional support powerhouses. They’re trained to provide a calm and encouraging presence. From helping you articulate your fears to offering reassurance and a listening ear, a doula adapts to what you need, whether that’s space or continuous encouragement.

A professional doula’s primary agenda is you – your wishes, your comfort, your birth experience. They’re there to support, not to dictate.

During your prenatal meetings, they’ll listen and help you craft a birth plan that honors your wishes. Their focus is on facilitating your choices, offering support every step of the way.